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X International Academic Conference for undergraduate, graduate and PhD students on

Statistical Methods Application for Analysis of Economics and Society


You are invited to participate in the Xth Conference on Statistical Methods Application for Analysis of Economics and Society that will be held at Moscow, Russian Federation.The conference organizers are theDepartment of Statistics and Data Analysis of the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) with the participation of MGIMO University and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

Papers and Presentations are invited on the following topics:

1. Theory and methodology of applied statistics and econometrics.

2. Application of Statistics and Econometrics in:

  • economics, political and social sciences;
  • demography and population statistics;
  • management.

3. Statistical and Actuarial Methods in Insurance.

4. Dynamic Models and Stochastic Processes.